Catra Corbett


Catra has run over 250 ultra marathons. She holds the overall record (for men and women) for completing the John Muir Trail twice (out and back), a total of 424 miles.  Catra also has the second best all time result for a woman running one way (212 miles).

  • Competed in over one hundred 100 mile races
  • Survivor of drug abuse
  • Record breaker for the 424 mile John Muir Trail

image above: instagram @dirtdiva333

As well as the Fastest Known Time (FKT) John Muir Trail Double (424 miles in 12 days, 4 hours, and 57 minutes) she has the  FKT Muir Ramble Route.  That’s 320 miles in 7 days, 9 hours, and 49 minutes)

She has the Only Known Time for Fremont to Yosemite Valley (200 miles in 83 hours 15 minutes).  She’s taken 1st Place Overall in the Razorback 100.

Catra is the oldest female finisher of the triple crown of 200s which is three 200 mile races (Bigfoot in Washington, Tahoe in California, Moab 240 in Utah).  She has 50 ultra marathon podium finishes.

Catra is one of the few finishers of the Badwater ultra cup: Cape Fear 50-miler, Salton Sea 81-miler and Badwater 135 mile.

She has fastpacked the 212 mile John Muir trail twelve times, the fastest time was 5 days, 5 hours, and 53 minutes.

In 2017 she participated in the Run Across the US (6-per team Icebreaker) for addiction and mental health awareness.


Beating addictions

Catra lives an extremely healthy lifestyle now, although she abused alcohol and illegal drugs in the past.  She was arrested for selling speed and spent a night in jail, so decided to change her life altogether.  This included going vegan and giving up alcohol and other drugs immediately.

Her positive attitude is a regular feature on her blog and something she brings to her job as a fitness training instructor.

In early 2013 she ran her 86th race at 100 miles, the Razorback 100.  She finished as the overall winner, beating all male competitors as well as winning the women’s race (read more here).  She has since completed her 100th hundred mile race, seventeen years after her first race (read more here).  Catra has since logged over 100,000 miles (more here).

Catra has her own clothing line, which reflect her unique style and her veganism, and can be seen here.

“I have been a vegan for 15 years. I also love fast packing, long distance hiking, rock climbing and crossfit.”  She sees herself as an endurance runner, not a fast runner.   “I am not fast but love to run I love motivating others to attempt what they believe is impossible. I believe anything is possible as long as you want to do it.”

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